Autobuild results for 2024-05-08

Include successful packages

Changes since this run


If no new package was broken, success rate next time should be 94.8%.


If nothing is checked on a line, that category is not filtered, else only the values checked appear.
build: ant cmake maven scons
err: conflictstrl implicitdecl multipledefinition packagedfilemissing python3 stdinclude unpackagedfile
lang: basic dotnet erlang fortran go java javascript lua objc ocaml pascal perl python ruby rust tcl vala
stage: build check doc install license nobuild prep preprep
Only show newly broken packages
Hide fixed packages

Failed builds (1113/16142)

MaintainerStatusFailure typeBuild stepLanguagesDetected errors
aws-cli-2.12.1-2.mga10.src.rpmbuchan build_failure%buildHistory
multimc-0.6.13-7.mga10.src.rpmbuchan build_failure%buildHistory
openldap-smbk5pwd-2.5.14-1.mga10.src.rpmbuchan missing_depHistory
openldap2.4-2.4.59-6.mga10.src.rpmbuchan build_failure%buildHistory
rancid-3.13-1.mga10.src.rpmbuchan New build_failure%buildHistory